Menurut detikcom, seorang Warga Negara Asing (WNA) berkewarganegaraan Amerika Serikat (AS) viral karena mengendarai angkutan kota (angkot) biru di Bali dan ditilang Satuan Lalu Lintas (Satlantas) Polresta Denpasar, lalu mobil tersebut yang dia kendarai disita polisi. Kepala Seksi Humas (Kasi Humas) Polresta Denpasar AKP I Ketut Sukadi membenarkan, pengemudi dan mobil angkot dikenakan tilang dan penyitaan. Saat diperiksa, bule tersebut hanya memiliki Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) A dengan Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK) yang sudah habis masa berlakunya. Dalam keterangannya, bule tersebut mengaku mobil yang digunakannya merupakan hasil pinjaman temannya. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan kilang dan mobil tersebut ditahan sebagai barang bukti.
Penindakan terhadap sopir angkot WN AS itu dilakukan saat Polresta Denpasar melakukan pengaturan lalu lintas di perempatan Jalan Sunsut-Jalan Imam Bonjol, Kota Denpasar, Senin (12/6/2023) sekitar pukul 13.05 Wita. Saat itu, polisi melihat mobil angkot berwarna biru yang viral di media sosial dikendarai oleh bule.
Pengejaran dilakukan polisi dengan membagi jumlah personel polisi untuk melakukan pengejaran ke arah kawasan Lingkungan Pesanggaran, Desa Pedungan dan Desa Sanur, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan. Sementara personel lainnya mengejar hingga ke Bundaran Patung Tahura Ngurah Rai. Terakhir, sesampainya di sebelah selatan patung Tahura Ngurah Rai, mobil angkot berwarna biru tersebut diberi isyarat untuk berhenti, kemudian dilakukan pengecekan kecocokan angkot berwarna biru tersebut dengan plat DK-1892-BT yang sempat viral di media sosial. Setelah itu dilakukan pengecekan surat-surat, termasuk identitas. Identitas pengemudi angkot asing tersebut bernama Jered Brendan Mell asal Amerika Serikat. Alamat tempat tinggalnya adalah Jalan Dalem Gede, Gang Taman Sri, Canggu, Badung.
Dari kasus di atas, aturan yang dilanggar adalah tentang peraturan lalu lintas dan dokumen administrasi pelengkapnya. Sebagai orang asing diperbolehkan mengemudi di Indonesia, asalkan memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan oleh Polri, salah satunya wajib memiliki Surat Izin Mengemudi, termasuk bagi wisatawan yang melakukan perjalanan, salah satunya adalah Surat Izin Mengemudi Internasional. Lisensi.
Surat Izin Mengemudi Internasional adalah surat izin mengemudi untuk mengemudikan kendaraan yang berlaku secara internasional dengan surat izin mengemudi yang masih berlaku di negara penerbit Surat Izin Mengemudi Internasional. Surat Izin Mengemudi Internasional berlaku di 92 Negara yang mematuhi, menandatangani, mensukseskan dan meratifikasi Konvensi Wina tahun 1968.
For the manufacture of an International Driver’s License, tourists are not required to bring it from their respective countries. Regulations in Indonesia allow tourists to apply for an International Driver’s License here. The basis for the issuance of an international driver’s license is the United Nations Convention On Road Traffic (Vienna Convention On Road Traffic of 1968) which is a refinement of the Geneva Convention On Road Traffic of 1949 and before the Paris Convention On Motor Traffic of 1926. A valid International Driver’s License is governed under Annexe 7 for an International Driver’s License.
The institution that issues an International Driver’s License in Indonesia is the National Police, based on Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation and Government Regulation No. 60 of 2016 concerning Types and Tariffs of Non-Tax Types of State Revenue applicable to the National Police as of January 6, 2017. The validity period of an International Driver’s License is 3 years.
For the terms and conditions, contained in the Regulation of the Chief of Police No. 9 of 2012 Article 7, the following is the content:
- The administrative requirements for applying for a new driver’s license, as referred to in article 26 letter a, to drive an individual motor vehicle include:
- Fill out the driver’s license application form; and
- A valid local native identity card for Foreign Nationals.
- Immigration documents, as referred to in paragraph (1) point b, in the form of:
- Passport and Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP) for those who are permanently domiciled in Indonesia;
- Passport, diplomatic visa, diplomatic membership card, and other identification for embassy staff or family;
- Passport and official visa or Temporary Stay Permit Card (KITAS) for those who work as experts or students studying in Indonesia; or
- Passport and visit or stopover permit card for those who are not domiciled in Indonesia.
Regarding the cost of making an International Driver’s License, it has been stipulated in the Government Regulation (PP) Number 60 of 2016 concerning Types and Rates of Non-Tax Types of State Revenue, which is IDR 250,000. As for the renewal fee is IDR 225,000.
Registration for an International Driver’s License can be done online through website. On the site, there are a number of requirements that must be prepared to register for an international driver’s license:
- Recent self-portrait; provided that 2 shirt buttons appear, white background color, shirt and/or hijab color is not white, does not use glasses, face facing the camera, does not use contact lenses and mouth closed
- Id card (Indonesian nationality)
- KITAP (foreigners only)
- Valid passport
- A valid driver’s license, in accordance with the international driver’s license class to be applied for
- Sign on white paper, using black ink A valid international driver’s license, if you want to renew
The Batam Special Class I Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) Immigration Office together with the Riau Islands Police integrated e-Tilang data with the Immigration Information Management System (SIMKIM) to prevent Foreign Nationals who violate traffic rules (ticketed) from being obliged to pay the load fee. Through this data integration, officers at the Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) can see notifications of prevention applications from the police if foreigners commit traffic violations and have not paid the fine fee.
Foreigners who commit traffic violations will be subject to prevention with the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) system based on the request of the Police. People who own vehicle rental services are urged to be more careful when renting their vehicles to foreigners. If the foreigner violates traffic rules, it will affect the vehicle owner subject to a ticket fine.
Control and efforts to impose traffic law compliance on foreigners must be carried out. In Bali for example, many foreigners violate traffic and disturb order. This is where Immigration takes a role in creating a conducive situation in the community, in addition to supporting economic growth through the ease of immigration services.
The Cooperation Agreement related to the integration of SIMKIM and e-Tilang data was made as a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Indonesian Police and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number NK/3/2/2020 and Number M-HH-01.05.05 of 2020 concerning Optimization of Tasks, Functions in the Field of Law and Human Rights.
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By Olina Rizki Arizal