CTL Strategies

Cauton & Saavedra

Nitya Tax Associates

Transaction Square




Certified Tax Consultant & Tax Attorney

Tommy HO, SE, ME, BKP Managing Partner

Certified Tax Consultant & Tax Attorney

Olina Rizki Arizal , SE, SS, MA, BKP Partner - International Tax & Transfer Pricing

Certified Tax Consultant & Tax Attorney

Daniel Lehman, SE, MM, BKP Partner – Tax

Certified Tax Consultant

Zamri, SE, MM, BKP Partner – Tax
Mawal Kasni, SE, AK, CA Tax Partner

Certified Lawyer

Dewi Larasati, SH Partner – Legal

Certified Customs Consultant & Customs Attorney

Muhammad Idham Farans, SI.Kom Partner – Customs

Certified Customs Consultant

Yoga Permana Partner – Customs

Certified Valuator

Ir. Mono Igfirly, MM, MAPPI (Certf) Partner – Valuation

Certified Auditor

Airin Titus, Bsc, Ak, CPA,CA, BKP Partner – Audit
Eka Fytriana, S.Sos Partner – Expatriate

    TBrights - Integrated Business Service in Indonesia

    TBrights, once a tax and business consultant firm, is now expanding into an integrated business service in Indonesia. Our integrated services, not only consists of tax, but also elaborating into legal, audit, valuation, until customs and expatriate services. We are able to provide you with comprehensive solutions for the assurance of your business to help you and your Company create a stable and reliable business environment since establishing the business, expanding, until achieving its goals. 

    With our expertise and wide range of services, we can offer you a standpoint providing an integrated services as you strive to expand your businesses both nationally and regionally. 

    We hope you put faith and trust us in managing your tax and business issues. Should you have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to call us at +621-50677799 or email at tbrights@tbrights.com.

    Let us be your TBrights, your tax and business expert.

    TBrights Services

    We offer comprehensive excellent services to our clients


    Tax Services

    Our Tax Services is more that you can expected, with at least Two of Our Partners every works, will make your Tax Safe


    Legal Services

    Our legal services is handled by the most experienced lawyer, all aiming to accomplish the best results for you and your business.


    Valuation Services

    Growth your business, let our Partners valuate your business, asset etc with passion


    Audit Services

    Auditing for the entity is quite important because it provides a big influence in the activities of the entity concerned.


    Customs Services

    Our Partners will make sure your customs issues are on the track and solve any customs disputes


    Expatriate Services

    If you plan to work in Indonesia, you still have to apply for a work permit. Indonesia’s immigration policies are very strict, especially in Bali.

    Our Clients

    Some clients who used TBrights services


    Contact us for Consultation

    Let us be your TBrights, your tax and business expert.


    We ensure every detail of the work we do in a professional and good process.


    Not just writing because of the facts, we continue to grow together with our hundreds of clients.


    We ensure every detail of the work we do in a professional and good process.

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