Many Chinese mainland company now has a subsidiary in Indonesia and ask their employee in China to work in Indonesia and often act as a Director even though they are ...
The shift from offline to online shopping has created numerous new opportunities, including the role of affiliate marketing. In this business model, individuals or groups, known as affiliates, partner with ...
A recent enforcement from the Indonesian Tax Administration based on the Minister of Finance Regulation number PMK-22/PMK.03/2020 about Procedures for Implementing the Advanced Pricing Agreement, states that this Minister of ...
The worldwide tax system is applied by many countries, including countries that have the largest economic scale in the world. A country that adheres to the worldwide tax system will ...
In general, foreign nationals (foreigners) can settle in Indonesia for certain reasons and conditions, the most important thing they need is KITAS/ITAS. KITAS Indonesia or Indonesian Limited Stay Permit Card ...
In Indonesia, gold is still one of the most popular investment instruments for the majority of Indonesian people. Gold is considered relatively safe because its value is stable amidst the ...
Benefit in kind (BIK) is any non-cash benefit of monetary value that employer provides for their employee. Indonesian government have started to tax some BIK which regulated in Government Regulation ...
Indonesia sebagai pemegang Presidensi G20 tahun 2022 menginginkan Pilar 1 dan Pilar 2 dalam Rencana Aksi Base Erosion and Profit Shifting atau BEPS dapat berjalan secara bersamaan. Pemberlakuan Pilar 1 ...
Pada tahun 2022, nilai transaksi uang elektronik tumbuh 30,84 persen dibandingkan tahun 2021 yang mencapai Rp399,6 triliun. Perry Warjiyo selaku Gubernur BI menyampaikan nilai transaksi uang elektronik diproyeksikan meningkat sebesar ...