Immigration Administrative Measures as a Form of Expatriate Control in Indonesia

Perkembangan global mendorong semakin meningkatnya mobilitas penduduk dunia untuk melakukan perjalanan berlibur, bekerja atau menetap di suatu negara. Hal ini menyebabkan banyaknya wisatawan mancanegara yang masuk dan keluar Indonesia. Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat kunjungan wisman ke Indonesia hingga Juli 2022 telah menembus angka 477 ribu orang atau tertinggi sejak Pandemi Covid-19. Jumlah tersebut meningkat 38,08 persen dari bulan sebelumnya dan meningkat 6.398,46 persen dibandingkan Juli 2021.

Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno selaku Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia mengatakan peningkatan pergerakan wisatawan mancanegara ini didukung oleh agenda internasional KTT G20 yang diselenggarakan di Bali, Indonesia November 2022. Peningkatan wisatawan mancanegara menjadi Indonesia menambah devisa negara dan membuat bisnis pariwisata bangkit kembali pasca Pandemi Covid-19.

Namun kehadiran mereka terkadang menimbulkan permasalahan sosial. Seringkali kita melihat berita-berita buruk tentang turis asing di media sosial, seperti mengamuk di jalanan, melanggar ketentuan perayaan ibadah agama, ugal-ugalan di jalan, melanggar berbagai peraturan lalu lintas, berperilaku tidak senonoh, dan lain sebagainya.

Tindakan terhadap orang asing yang melakukan pelanggaran keimigrasian terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu sanksi pidana keimigrasian dan tindakan administratif keimigrasian. Tindakan Administratif Keimigrasian adalah sanksi administratif yang dikenakan oleh Pejabat Imigrasi terhadap orang asing yang berada di Indonesia di luar proses peradilan. Perbuatan tersebut bersifat litigasi, yaitu suatu perbuatan yang berupa pengenaan sanksi atau tidak melalui putusan pengadilan atau persidangan. Sedangkan sanksi pidana yang diterapkan kepada orang asing yang melanggar dan termasuk dalam kategori kejahatan keimigrasian dirumuskan secara alternatif yaitu hukuman dan denda.

Immigration Officials are authorized to carry out Immigration Administrative Actions against foreigners residing in Indonesian territory who carry out dangerous activities and are reasonably suspected of endangering public security and order or do not comply with laws and regulations.

Immigration in Law Number 6 of 2011 Article 1 paragraph 1 states that, “Immigration is a matter of the traffic of people into or out of Indonesian territory and its supervision in order to maintain the upholding of state sovereignty.”

Article 75 paragraph (2) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration explains that Immigration Administrative Actions can be:

  1. Inclusion in the list of prevention or deterrence;
  2. Restriction, change, or cancellation of residence permits;
  3. Prohibition to be in one or several certain places in the territory of Indonesia;
  4. Must reside in a certain place in the territory of Indonesia;
  5. Imposition of burden fee; and/or
  6. Deportation from Indonesian territory.

Immigration Administrative Action in the form of Deportation can also be taken against foreigners who are in Indonesian territory for trying to avoid threats and punishment in their home country. Decisions regarding Immigration Administrative Actions must be made in writing with accompanied reasons.

Supervision activities on foreigners are required. This supervision is not only when a foreigner enters Indonesian territory, but also as long as the foreigner is in Indonesian territory, including his activities. This is related to the existence of foreigners whose existence harms the interests of the nation and state such as cases of misuse of stay permits in Indonesia beyond the specified period, immigrants without official administrative files, and so on.

The legal basis for law enforcement in carrying out immigration administrative actions is contained in the immigration law, namely Law number 6 of 2011 Chapter VII Immigration Administrative Actions Articles 75-80. Meanwhile, the legal basis for implementing law enforcement through immigration crimes lies in the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code.

The following is an explanation of the cost of expenses for foreigners. The cost of burden here is one of the Non-Tax State Revenues in the field of Immigration as stated in Article 78 of Law Number 6 of 2011:

  1. Foreigners holding a Stay Permit that has expired and is still in Indonesian territory less than 60 (sixty) days from the deadline of the expired Stay Permit and is still in Indonesian territory less than 60 (sixty) days from the deadline of the Stay Permit are subject to a burden fee in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
  2. Foreigners who do not pay the burden fee are subject to Immigration Administrative Actions in the form of Deportation and Deterrence
  3. Foreigners holding a Stay Permit that has expired and is still in Indonesian Territory more than 60 (sixty) days from the deadline of the Stay Permit are subject to Immigration Administrative Action in the form of Deportation and Denial.

States generally have the power to extrude, deport, and reproduce foreigners, as well as the power to deny entry. It is considered as something inherent in the territorial sovereignty of a country. Given that the regulation of the existence and activities of foreigners in a country is the essence of territorial sovereignty inherent in a country, the state has the right to determine limits on the existence and activity that can or may be carried out by foreigners (M. Alvi Syahrin, 2018: 43-57).


TBrights adalah layanan bisnis terintegrasi di Indonesia yang akan membantu Anda menetap dan meraih banyak peluang di Indonesia.

Mitra Olina Rizki Arizal



Sindiawaty, O., &; Purwanti, M. (2020). KEBIJAKAN ADMINSTRASI IMIGRASI DAN

URGENSI IMPLEMENTASI DI INDONESIA. Jurnal Hukum dan Perlindungan Perbatasan, 2(2), 77-92.

Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011

Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2023


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