Business Services

TBrights provides excellence services in Taxes and Business. Our Team include professionals in Tax, Accounting, Finance, and Legal. A Team of instructors that are eperts of Taxes and Business also other professionals as well as lecturers

With at least two Partners and Business Associate, Our services is more than you can expected.

Business Analysis & Review
Business Competition Review & Strategy
Feasibility Study
Antitrust Review

A high-quality business activity is a business that runs enduringly with a continual increase in its activity. Not only internal factors within the company that greatly affect its business activities, such as financial condition, employees, sales, and costs; but also external factors such as political and economic turmoil in Indonesia. A comparative analysis of the data through both quantitative and qualitative methods are needed to see whether the conditions of running a business is worth doing, maintained and developed or even dismissed.

Our analysis of quantitative and qualitative method of using both internal and external data will generate a report analysis that can be used as a tool for Top Management in its decision-making.

Business competition in Indonesia is getting tougher, especially facing the Asean Economic Community (AEC) by the end of 2015, in which a person or a foreign company in ASEAN will be able to do business in Indonesia. Therefore, companies will face new competitors in addition to existing competitors.

A review of the competition will be done by analyzing production strategies, pricing, marketing, using quantitative and qualitative data, and view the data of micro and macro of the Indonesian economics on existing markets. This will result as a strategic description for the company to face its competitors.

Feasibility study is done by our firm to assess the feasibility of each type of business that will be implemented by the company. In general, this study is conducted by looking at the company’s business plan, the existing market share, financial needs and advantages that may be obtained.

With partners and experts in our firm, a feasibility study will be carried out comprehensively, starting from the Business Planning, Financial Planning until Tax Planning. Not only do we give the best advice of how businesses can be applied but also until systematically plan each tax strategies, which will be advantageous for make the company’s tax safe.

Large companies, from private, provincial or central government, can not be separated from the Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition  (KPPU) as an institution in Indonesia to oversee issues of unfair business competition. A company may be considered to violate Law No. 5 of 1999, when conducting monopoly and anticompetitive in business, and can be penalized according to the law.

Our Partners and Experts will review and provide guidance to this problem, which is done by doing an economic analysis of competition, seeing the market and existing competitors, and analyzing regulations so that companies do not execute the wrong steps and be penalized because they conduct of monopoly and anticompetitive in business practise.

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